Thursday, March 18, 2010

Museum of Moving Image

At the Museum of Moving Image, I saw quite a few exhibits and demos. I especially enjoyed all of the albums that were framed. I have a bunch of albums framed on my wall.

It was also fun to look at the lunchboxes, board games and memorabilia from TV shows. I enjoyed seeing the transformation of the microphone. Along with that, I liked the old music playback forms. I’ve never seen what Betamax looks like and they had it on display.

I couldn’t make any of the scheduled times, so I went on my own. When I got up to the special effects display with the Freddy Krueger, the wolves, and the girl from “the Exorcist”, there were a group of kids from a school all sitting on the floor in front of it with a tour guide talking to them, so I couldn’t go up to the display. I decided to stand and listen for a minute, and the parents kept looking at me! What was I supposed to do; their kids were blocking me from seeing anything!

One of the demos I went to was the Automated Dialogue Replacement. That was a little fun, but a little annoying since they played the scene for me a bunch of times, even though when I needed to speak, the words were on the screen. I chose the “Wizard of Oz” scene, where Dorothy says “Toto I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore, we must be over the rainbow.” They told me to rehearse the line and speak in a normal tone. Then I recorded my voice, and they played back the scene with my voice inserted.

Something I learned about media productions was how different sounds can mimic others, and how different sounds are blended together. An example of how sounds can be similar is how jungle noises sound like sinking ships.